"22. National Anthem is to be sung with magna cum laude and nobody can ostracize the concept of summa cum laude [huh???]. In the case at hand, as we have noted earlier the son of the protagonists sings the National Anthem as a surprise item. The presentation, according to us, is in medias res [excuse me??]. The child actor forgets the line and utters the term "sorry". To some it may appear lapsus linguae[this one i understood!!] slip of the tongue or a natural forgetting but if the whole thing is perceived, understood and appreciated in complete scenario, it is the script writer's fertile imagination and the Director's id est [pardon my french, but what the %^&$ does that mean??]. It is deliberate. A deliberate slip of the pen. It is because there is in a way, deliberation to project a dramatic effort to show that the scene depicted in the film is on an absolute terra firma[ oo, another familiar term!!]. The writer and director have totally forgotten that they were portraying the National Anthem of a great country.
In 'Shashtras' this great country has been described as under :
Not for nothing, in one of the ancient epics of India it has been so said :
"API SWARNAMAYI LANKA NA ME ROCHATE LAKSHMAN JANANI JANMA-BHUMISCHA SWARGADAPI GARIYASI." [ok, maybe i missed this class in law school, but since when have the shastras had the force of law in independent India?? Again, I did sleep through the consti courses so I'm not very sure about this, but I do remember reading something about this concept of secularism in there somewhere....umm, maybe in the opening line of the preamble???]
They have not kept in mind 'vox populi, vox dei'. [ here we go again!! I really did think English is the only European language officially allowed in MP Courts]. The producer and the director have allowed the National Anthem of Bharat, the alpha and omega of the country to the backseat [ok this was sounding greek and latin to me before...now its sounding physics and maths].
On a first flush it may look like a magnum opus of patriotism but on a deeper probe and greater scrutiny it is a simulacrum having the semblance but sans real substance. There cannot be like Caesar's thrasonical brags of "veni, vidi, vici."[ this I do know, but relevance please?] The boy cannot be allowed to make his innocence a parents rodomontrade, at the cost of national honour. In our view it is contrary to national ethos and an anthema to the sanguinity of the national feeling. It is an exposition of ad libitum.[ i know another ad word- ad nonsensicum].
Sunday, May 4, 2008
So ok, I don't want this to be a blog about wierd cases I have read. But, what to do, my life is really so sad, that wierd cases form the highlight of my work day. Here is another gem- interestingly also to do with movies. This one is relating to the movie "Kabbhi Khushi Kabhi Gum". The petitioners took objection to national anthem bit in the movie- they didn't like the portrayal of the song and the fact that people in the theatres didn't get up to respect the anthem. Case comes before the MP High Court, and the court in its lengthy and erudite judgment declaims on the importance of respect to the National Anthem. In their own words [with running commentary by me]:
I am suing national law school. Reading this judgment makes me think they never tought me anything. Even if they did, it was never this much fun!
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This is hilarious and your blog posts should be made compulsory reading for Legal Methods, seriously.
Keep it coming!
Didnt some law school batch have Sweat shirts that said "Veni vidi vici"? lol
also at some moot, we were defeated by a team that recited shlokas at the bench! The rebuttal was impossible!! I really regretted not learning sanskrit in school :-p
Ruma: Why pray do you want to discourage kids in the first term itself? Maybe they should make Latin a compulsory course...it'll be more useful that Remedial English at least:-)
Ink: Yeah, am sure if they knew how the phrase is used by courts, they'd burn the shirts!
And i'm telling you they never taught us anything worthwhile in law school. the closest i came to shlokas was in my history 2...unfortunately i never mugged up any!
To put things into perspective, the Patna High Court featured this judgment as its "contribution to the development of law". God save the country, and all of us.
interestingly on appeal the SC reversed the ruling...
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