Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tell me... it abnormal to still mourn a relationship that ended two years back?? to miss someone you knew for all of one year, however close you might have been??

and tell me, is it terribly, abnormally, freakily, inexcusably wierd to personify, to use terms like 'relationship' and 'someone' in talking about a dear departed, sorely missed and deeply mourned laptop?


The Lotus Stem said...

It is definitely not abnormal..considering that she imploded on your lovingly feeding her some very nice soup!!

M said...

aw...u fed your laptop soup? thats so sweet...but i think they're generally happier with a diet of electricity :D but yes, i empathize completely...mine is on the verge of croaking on me and i keep dragging it back to life..

mem said...

i emphatise.... but im having strange relationship with my laptop...
my laptop crashed recently and i had to replace the operating now its like freaky sci fi movie where heroines husband is abucted and sould replaced with an alien one....lappie is same, yet its not

Contra Bonos Mores said...

@lotus stem- :-P

@m: yeah, as I found out to my everlasting regret the laptops and liquid dont mix (no pun intended:-))...that too one week after taking her to the land of her birth....she was this small petite thing...12.1 inch screen, completely loyal and totally reliable...never gave a day's trouble.....sigh..
@mem: dude, u watch some very wierd sci fi movies!! is that the plot of sequel to love story 2050??